Well it’s certainly coming along now Sonya, despite the pipe incident, it’s certainly been a journey so far! I’ve just recently ordered a sample pot of Slacked lime as am starting to plan for my lounge decorating in the spring. It looks very nice in your bathroom, good choice. Hope the next stages run smoothly for you! 🤞🤎
I think the plastering stage is one of my favourites, particularly if the finish is like glass. Something so special about it and gets you excited for decoration.
There’s certainly light at the end of the tunnel now Hannah. We’ve already got tiles up in the new extension, we just needed to order more as decided to extend how far we’re now tiling (plus the breakage). We also had some of the feature wall tiles leftover and have decided to use these behind the vanity unit which will work as a splash back and bring an element of the brown into the existing bathroom, which I think will connect the two spaces together perfectly. 🤎
Well it’s certainly coming along now Sonya, despite the pipe incident, it’s certainly been a journey so far! I’ve just recently ordered a sample pot of Slacked lime as am starting to plan for my lounge decorating in the spring. It looks very nice in your bathroom, good choice. Hope the next stages run smoothly for you! 🤞🤎
Thanks Sam, we now on the home run! Slacked Lime is a fabulous colour, I’m sure you won’t be disappointed Sam.
I think the plastering stage is one of my favourites, particularly if the finish is like glass. Something so special about it and gets you excited for decoration.
Absolutely and very handy I have a plasterer on-site. 😉
You are the luckiest Sonya! I tried my hand at it once, but never again. It’s artistry!
I have to give it to him, he’s good at what he does. 😍
Great progress, Sonya! I really like Slaked lime too. Looking forward to seeing which tiles you go for 😍
There’s certainly light at the end of the tunnel now Hannah. We’ve already got tiles up in the new extension, we just needed to order more as decided to extend how far we’re now tiling (plus the breakage). We also had some of the feature wall tiles leftover and have decided to use these behind the vanity unit which will work as a splash back and bring an element of the brown into the existing bathroom, which I think will connect the two spaces together perfectly. 🤎